Because we all like a new recipe sometimes...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Blender Pancakes

This is probably one of the most common recipes for using whole wheat berries in real cooking. It is a stand by in our house. It takes practically no time, dirties as few dishes as pancakes possibly can and keeps us full until lunch time. How could you ask for more? This recipe feeds our family of two grown pancake-eaters and two small pancake-eaters just about perfectly.

Blender Pancakes

3/4-1 cup whole wheat berries
1 cup milk
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 TBS honey
1/2 cup vegetable or canola oil
2 eggs
dash salt

Combine milk and wheat in the blender. Mix on low for a minute or so, then on high for two or three minutes. We like it a little grainier and not perfectly smooth, but it makes no difference. Add remaining ingredients and blend on high for a minutes. Cook on griddle.

NOTE: Karene has a gingerbread pancake variation. Add 1/4 cup molasses, and 1/8 tsp each of cinnamon, cloves and ginger. So good!

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